When I see how great and loving God is, I am overwhelmed by Him. I am even more overwhelmed by the idea that I am supposed to emulate Him. I am so frail and flawed, I don’t feel worthy of even a fraction of imitating God. However, in Isaiah 6:5-8, God answered Isaiah’s feelings of insecurity and unworthiness like this: A seraphim touched Isaiah’s lips with a burning coal and guilt was removed and sins were forgiven. And Isaiah was a changed person. His response was no longer, “I am unworthy,” it was now, “Here I am. Send me.”
Like Isaiah, my guilt has also been removed and my sins have been forgiven. Everything that makes me feel unworthy and unfit for the Lord’s service is gone. Everything—guilt, shame, and even fear. Because of my Lord Jesus Christ, I can be sent. I can help His cause. I am free to serve Him. I’ve been set free from the feeling of unworthiness.
Lord, Help me to remember that You have set me free from guilt, shame, and fear. You did the hard work of setting me free. All that I have to do is remember that daily. Amen.