There are many things that I might desire to have or be but there are probably only a handful of those things that I have the gumption to actually fulfill. A desire can be a simple craving for a piece of chocolate cake or it can be something that I would like to happen if I could simply snap my fingers and make it so quickly. However, gumption requires initiative, resourcefulness, courage, spunk, and even guts to work at and fulfill. Gumption brings deep desires to fruition. Gumption makes it happen. Gumption requires hard work. Things that I feel strongly enough about to really work at are probably the things that God prepared for me to do before I was born. These are the things that might help other people. These are the things that really matter. In addition, they not only matter but they bring me joy, even in the midst of the hard work. What am I waiting for?
Take a few moments to sit quietly before God and ask Him what you could fulfill in your lifetime. What do you desire enough to work hard at? Isn’t it time that you did it?