Stress-free living is a goal of a lot of people. There is great benefit in slowing down and gaining greater perspective.
Wrong feelings of guilt bring on undue stress. There is a difference between conviction and condemnation. Conviction is realizing that you did something wrong. Condemnation is wallowing in guilt.
If you’re wallowing in guilt and regret, then you’re beyond conviction. What may have begun as a conviction from God has become a mud puddle that just pulls you down deeper. Real conviction will never pull you down deeper or leave you stuck and it never includes wallowing.
Godly conviction points out what is wrong, leads you into repentance, but then leads you forward again. Jesus said, “Go and sin no more.” Seeking to sin no more is the repentance part. However, going forward again is even more important. Once you’re forgiven, you’re free to move again.
Condemnation keeps you stuck in that mud. Conviction moves you forward.