There are times in this life,
When you can feel terribly alone.
Burdens grow and other people go about their daily journeys.
It can feel like people are saying, “Just buck up and deal with it.”
You care, Lord, but does anyone else?
Don’t stay far away, Lord.
Come near and help us in our troubles.
Because when you feel alone, the burden is great.
With help, the heavy weight shrinks.
The evil one loves for people to be in isolation.
But God loves community.
The Lord offers relief when we call on Him.
He brings help and comfort when we pray.
He is with us, so we are never really alone.
Even when it feels like it, we aren’t alone.
For He is the great Comforter.
And the Lover of our souls.
When burdens feel raw and oh too real,
Cover us with Your healing balm.
And bring us peace…even in the midst of the trouble.
Then, Lord, also bring people around us
Who care and can help hold our arms up,
When we feel too weak to go on.