This morning, my husband came in as I was taking clothes out of the dryer and folding them. He was excited because he saw that the morning temperature was a very comfortable 68 degrees and asked if I wanted to go outside for a bit and enjoy it. My response was no because I had too much to do and I hadn’t finished getting ready for the day yet. He persisted. I said okay.
I hurriedly got dressed and we sat outside in the front yard. It was indeed the perfect temperature and felt wonderful!
The Lord brought to mind that just a half hour before I had read about Martha and Mary. Martha was distressed and complaining that Mary wasn’t helping her. Jesus said, “Martha, you are worried and upset about many things. Mary has chosen what is best and it won’t be taken from her.”
Sometimes it is much better to take a few moments away from your busyness and just enjoy the sky, the temperature, the company. For this is worship of your Father in heaven. Those moments will not be taken from you.
What a great reminder to stop and rest in Him, to take the little moments He gives us and enjoy every last one. I will be more intentional about taking the time to “stop and smell the roses.”
Thank you for your ministry and may the LORD richly bless you!