A new year is a new chance to write down your goals and also write down the steps you need to take in order to achieve them. But…what if you’re discouraged because you didn’t stick with your goals and resolutions last year? What if you didn’t stuck with your resolutions the year before that either?…
A Cup of Water
Freedom Friday – Going in 2015
My word to make 2015 my best year yet is GO. GO means to move or proceed toward something. It also means to be in motion or to act in order to come into a certain state or condition. In other words, GO is a very proactive verb. I want my 2015 to be active…
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Eve!
Healthy Tuesday – One Step at a Time
I know I’m supposed to begin a new, healthy eating and exercise regime on January 1st, like everyone else. But…I’m not going to begin one then. I’m not even beginning one today. Over the past year, I’ve made some changes and I’ve lost a little weight. But…I still haven’t arrived at the energetic,vibrant life that…
Merry Christmas!
Real Life & Living
Vulnerabilities, insecurities, mistakes, and imperfections are strong testimonies meant to be shared, not hidden beneath a shell of perceived perfection. A shell of perceived perfection doesn’t help anyone and is actually a wall around you and your heart to keep others out. Be real. Be willing to share. Be transparent. Vulnerabilities, insecurities, mistakes, and imperfections are…
How Great Thou Art ~ Jennifer Nettles & John Glosson
The Difference Between Desire & Gumption
There are many things that I might desire to have or be but there are probably only a handful of those things that I have the gumption to actually fulfill. A desire can be a simple craving for a piece of chocolate cake or it can be something that I would like to happen if…
God has been with me my entire life. I didn’t always know it. I didn’t always feel it. But He was. I may not have gotten all that I wanted because sometimes what I wanted wasn’t right for me. It may have felt right at the time, but in hindsight it wasn’t right. Sometimes I…