No diet in the world can help me to lose weight and keep the weight off unless I first change my thinking. The first step in any healthy eating plan should be to think about why I gained weight in the first place. Did I eat when I was sad? Did I eat when I…
A Cup of Water
Motivation Monday – Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
Motivation Monday ~ Confidence
The most important type of confidence to have is God-confidence. The book of Job puts it like this: Doesn’t your reverence for God give you confidence? Doesn’t your life of integrity give you hope? (Job 4:6). Knowing that there is a God of the universe that loves me deeply and sent His only Son to…
Healthy Tuesday ~ Taking a Walk
Walking can burn up to 136-238 calories per hour. Walking is great for exercise but it’s also great for your soul. Confidence – Walking with your shoulders elevated, your head straight up, and your arms swinging causes your breathing to be smooth and steady. When your breathing is steady, not shallow, you think clearer and…
Motivation Monday ~ Look Up
The ground hog poked his head out this morning, saw his shadow, and went back into his hole. I heard howling, cold wind this morning and wanted to hibernate under the covers for the day. Circumstances can make me want to give up. But…circumstances change. Tomorrow I could wake up to a mostly sunny day…
Practice, Practice, & More Practice
Stress-Free Thursday ~ Contentment in Today
I have learned that the best way to relieve stress is to concentrate on the good of today. Do I have food to eat? Do I have clothes to wear? Do I have a roof over my head? When I say yes to these basic needs of life, I am then in a good place…
Freedom Friday ~ Books
Books expand my mind and imagination with new ideas. So, I’m “All About Those Books”:
Stress-Free Thursday ~ Today
Sometimes I have to speak a message to myself about worrying too much. Worry comes from letting my mind get ahead of itself. What am I going to do if “this” happens in the future? How would I cope if “this” or “that” happens? Instead, I need to ask myself, “What do I need to…
Healthy Tuesday ~ Beauty from Within
You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. ~ 1 Peter 3:4 Health begin within. I can eat right, exercise, and even lose weight but if my spirit and emotions are discontent, I will never…