Walking in freedom can be broken down into three steps. Do what is right. Doing what is right is two-fold. On one level it means to treat people with fairness and the same way you would like to be treated. On the next level, it means to do what you were created to do—that thing…
A Cup of Water
Stress-Free Living
Stress-free living is a goal of a lot of people. There is great benefit in slowing down and gaining greater perspective. Wrong feelings of guilt bring on undue stress. There is a difference between conviction and condemnation. Conviction is realizing that you did something wrong. Condemnation is wallowing in guilt. If you’re wallowing in guilt…
Healthy Tuesday ~ Which door would you choose?
Motivation Monday ~ With God
Do you sometimes feel like you are just going through the motions of life and not really living it? I have found that I feel the most like this when I’m not using my God-given talents, gifts, and resources to help other people. I have a tendency to hold back my talents because I’m afraid…
Writing Wednesday ~ Inspiring Grace
The first lesson that I’ve learned from striving to write something daily is that I need grace. I want to write something daily to practice as well as to have a large body of work. But…I’m not perfect and never will be. And…that’s okay. Grace is with me to fill in my cracks. Whether you…
Healthy Tuesday ~ 3 Ways to Begin Your Day
Each day is a crisp, white notebook paper page with thin blue lines. You can write whatever you want upon the page even though there are parameters. You may have to go to work at a specific place but you control your attitude while you are there. A large block of time may be carved…
Motivation Monday ~ Something New 2
The beginning of the week before Easter is a reminder that God is about doing new things. The old, predictable ways of doing things aren’t necessarily the right thing. Sometimes I need a new strength, a new power, a new perspective. God is excellent at making old things new and dirty things clean. That is…
Freedom Friday ~ Something New
The birds outside of my window seem to be singing a sweeter, cheerier song. The sun seems a little bit warmer. The grass seems a little bit greener. The air seems a little bit fresher. Can you feel it? The first day of spring is here! Spring brings me a freshness in my spirit. It…
Writing Wednesday ~ Be Disciplined
What has my writing been missing? In a word…Consistency. To be exact, it’s actually daily consistency. I’ve been able to work myself up to writing consistently on a monthly basis but not more steadily than that. If I love writing, and I do, then I really need to go the extra mile with it daily….
I don’t know who started “National Everything You Do is Right Day” but it is listed as an unofficial national holiday. Since it’s far too easy to only see my mistakes, sometimes it’s a good idea to focus on what I’m doing right. I don’t always make mistakes. I don’t always mess up. Sometimes I’m…