Twenty-five years ago, I read the story of Cynthia Anne Parker, the most famous captive in nineteenth-century America. I was devastated by her loss. I contacted museums and libraries to find out everything I could about her (this was before the world of information was only a keystroke away). Her story haunted my heart for…
A Cup of Water
Cultural Christianity isn’t Enough by Dr. Ruth Wuwong
Recently we traveled to Lima, Peru. Our private guide Fernando, a young man about our son’s age, took us to St John the Evangelist Church and then to El Museo de Convento Santo Domingo. Since we were visiting a church and a monastery, our conversation shifted toward faith and religion. Fernando told us he’s Catholic…
6 Beautiful Ways to Understand God’s Grace
God rains down grace on all mankind. He gave us the beauty and wonders of nature that we see each and every day. He gives us near misses when accidents are heading our way. He often brings us the right thing just in time. And He also gave us an innate conscience to know right…
How to Pour Out Your Soul to God
Do you have trouble sharing your heart and feelings completely with God? You can trust Him completely. You don’t have to leave anything out. He knows everything anyway, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be completely honest with Him. Coming to Him wholly is for your benefit, even though He loves it when you…
Wading through Life
The adolescent me stood on the bright white, springy board. The sun beating on the tops of my shoulders. My eyes fixed on the clear blue, inviting water below. “One…two…three…” Voices of my friend and her mother chanted. I stood there longing to jump into the refreshing, cool water but feeling held back by something….
Are You Looking for Big Love? by Michael Ehret
My new novella, “Big Love,” now available on Amazon from Scrivenings Press, caught me a bit by surprise. In so many ways. I wasn’t planning to write a novella. In fact, I was deep in the first draft of a full-length novel at the time. But once the idea floated into my consciousness, a story-ette…
Ever Green by Suzie Waltner
When I was in college, my sister dated a guy I had a crush on. The guy was also one of my best friends. And yes, my sister knew I was interested in more than friendship. While they only dated for a month, I’ve sometimes wondered what life would be like had she married that…
The Beauty of the Holy Spirit by Heather Thompson
By: Heather Thompson, Author and Bondservant to Christ Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom – that’s what it says in 2 Corinthians 3:17. We sing it, we say it, and we want to believe it. But, we leave out the first part of the verse. In its entirety it says “Now…
Communing with God
Communing with God is not just spending time with Him in His Word, although this is how you really get to know Him. It’s also finding time throughout the day to just sit and be with Him. (Even for just a few minutes.) It’s finding time to take a walk with Him outside in…
What Does it Take to Be a Spy? by Linda Shenton Matchett
April marks the fourth “birthday” of Spies & Sweethearts, book one in my Sisters in Service series. The idea for the story came together as a result of several incidents, the most fun of which was when I met a woman who’d served in America’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the predecessor to the CIA,…