THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2011 Enough is Enough Satan wants me to look for multiple ways to comfort myself. As far as he is concerned any old thing will do—food, laziness, television, etc. Anything that is except God. God is the only thing that can really comfort me in a satisfying and lasting way. And there…
Author: admin
Accomplishing Goals
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 2011 Accomplishing Goals How can I accomplish goals in spite of daily circumstances and distractions? Make a plan that includes a little bit each day. Faithfulness in little things leads to bigger things (Luke 16:10). Celebrate small successes daily. I can choose to put more than 100% of effort in each day….
Take the First Step
SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2011 Take the First Step I am afraid of God-sized dreams. I am afraid that I won’t have what it takes to achieve a huge dream. And you know what? I won’t. I don’t have what it takes to achieve great things. When God plants a dream it will seem too big…
What is Love?
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2011 What is Love? What is love? Love is patient, kind, doesn’t envy, doesn’t boast, isn’t arrogant, isn’t rude, doesn’t insist on its own way, isn’t irritable, isn’t resentful, doesn’t rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, and…
To Lent or Not to Lent
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2011 To Lent or Not to Lent Today is the first day of the Lenten season. I have nothing against this season’s objectives if those objectives are to 1.) remember the blessings of the cross of Christ or 2.) give up something that is hindering your walk with Christ. But I don’t usually…
Really Looking
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2010 Really Looking Love begins with looking but looking is risky. I might have to pay (with my money or my time) if I look too closely or care too deeply. When I love I become the servant, not the master. It’s easier to look through the narrow lens of “my world.”…
Compassionate Teacher
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2010 Compassionate Teacher A teacher went into a town. His students as well as a large crowd of people followed him. He approached a cemetery where a funeral was going on. A widow’s only son was being interred. A large crowd of people watched the proceedings. The teacher saw the woman and…
Faith to Take Steps
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2010 Faith to Take Steps What is faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see. – Hebrews 11:1 And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly…
Acts of Worship Coming from a Grateful Heart
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2010 Acts of Worship Coming from a Grateful Heart I tend to think that I can do better if I just try harder. Every Monday I resolve to do better. Sometimes I can do it better for awhile until I go back to my old habits of laziness and taking the easy…
Choose to Live Today
SATURDAY, JUNE 26, 2010 Choose to Live Today “Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live! You can make this choice…