And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. ~ Philippians 4:8 After watching the presidential debate last night, I really want to think about what is true,…
Author: admin
Missing Out?
I build up walls of protection. To keep me safe from the unknown. But sometimes unknown is a synonym for adventure. What could I be missing out on? Could I be overprotecting myself?
Stress is Inevitable
Stress is inevitable. It happens as we adapt to changing conditions. And…everything is always changing. Although, it’s impossible to avoid stress, it is very possible to respond to it in healthful ways and reduce its negative effects. You need to react quickly and adjust your response in order to soften the harsh results of stress….
Consistency is Key
With anything that I want to do, consistency is key. I can’t workout once every few weeks and become physically fit. I can’t eat healthy one day a month and lose weight. I can’t pay attention to my marriage only once in awhile; I have to work the relationship. Everything worthwhile requires consistency. Anxieties can get…
Is Time Passing You By?
September 6th. You may feel like the year is slipping away. But there is still enough time to accomplish some of the things that you wanted to accomplish in 2016. Re-evaluate and pick out 1 or 2 things that you would like to. Not a page-full of wishes and dreams–just 1 or 2 things. Then…
Faith of a Child
It really comes down to this: Having the faith of a child.
Why Introvert Qualities Are Good
Intoverts may be quiet but, in spite of that fact, they enjoy people. However, they’re not satisfied with casual chats. They would rather know people more intimately. They are Great at Listening Introverted people may be able to pinpoint problems because they really hear everyone’s opinions. They pay attention and are able to pull opinions…
Pay Attention to the Details
Pay attention to the details…
Overanalyzing Often Means Fearing
One day when I was a teenager, I was at an amusement park with a friend. We were having fun and looking for the next ride in which to use our tickets. I always avoided upside down rides. Just thinking about them, made me very uncomfortable. I noticed a ride that had just finished. There…
Monday Inspiration
God’s light can shine within us even when our lives still need a lot of work.